Friday 17 August 2007

Ferret Furniture

Ferrets love sleeping, and to this end it is a good idea to supply them with various places to have a nap when the urge arises.

You can make them from old pillow cases or hessian sacks, in fact anything that can be attached to produce a hammock style bed will suffice. We bought them some new ones to start with as I had enough to do building the Court.

This one is lovely and well used. It zips apart to form a normal hammock or do it up to give them somewhere warm to sleep.

It is a good idea to provide enough for them to sleep apart if they are feeling a bit cranky. Not fair if they have to sleep together, but nine times out of ten they can be found all sleeping on top of each other in a huge warm pile of ferrets.

Here you can see Ophelia arising from a good sleep and about to come out for some more nutty ferret mayhem.

When I first got them I knew that they sometimes shiver when just waking up, this is to raise their body temperature after being asleep, but what I didn't know about was the deformed drag their back legs along crawl they do and this gave me a shock!

What they do is climb out of bed, then with their back legs trailing behind them, drag themselves along the floor as though they have lost all power to their back limbs. I was panicking and about to craft them a miniture wheelchair, when they just got up and caried on as normal. Suppose this is just a big waking up stretch.

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